8 Ways You Should Invest In Your Name

8 Ways You Should Invest In Your Name

Your name is more than a series of letters strung together, it carries your identity and your entire character and image. Personal branding is about packaging yourself in such a way that people immediately recognize you and your brand. Here are 8 ways you should...
How To Solve The Biggest Branding Problems

How To Solve The Biggest Branding Problems

When you are starting a small business it’s natural to struggle with building a brand and there are key obstacles to overcome. Let’s take a look at how to solve  The Biggest Branding Problems. Over a late lunch with some friends of mine who happen to run...
The Ultimate Branding Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Branding Cheat Sheet

Picture this: you are the creator of a small business, you are excited, motivated and ready to go. The only glitch is… you have no idea how to communicate who you are, what you stand for or where you are going. You have no personal brand. No need to panic, we...

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